State registration certificate
State registration certificate is a document verifying the conformity of the goods with the unified sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements, as well as the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union.
Which products require State registration certificate?
The list of products subject to state registration is determined by the Decision of the Customs Union No. 299 dated May 28, 2010. It’s in particular:
- children's goods (baby food, baby linens, diapers, etc.);
- disinfectants, disinsection and deratization agents (mosquito and rodent repellents);
- household chemicals (dishwashing cleaners, floor cleaners);
- personal hygiene items for adults;
- other goods in direct contact with humans.
State registration certificate is not required for:
- product samples;
- goods sold in duty-free shops;
- second-hand goods.
If the product belongs to the list above or does not fall into the List of products established by the Decision No. 299, subject to registration, then a Refusal (explanatory) letter from the authorized body can be issued for it. The letter certifies that the goods are not subject to state registration, it can be presented to customs or other regulatory authority.
All issued State registration Certificates are included into the Unified Register of State Registration Certificates, posted on the web-site of the Eurasian Economic Commission. According to this register, you can check the availability of the State registration certificate for the products you import and its validity period.
How to get the State registration certificate?
The State registration certificate is issued by the authorized bodies of the EAEU member countries.
In the Republic of Kazakhstan, the document is issued by the Ministry of Health.
The procedure for registration of the State registration certificate is the same for each member state of the EAEU, however, there are certain practical features in each country (for example, in terms of a submitted set of documents).
Get State registration certificate with IFCG in four easy steps:
Send us the available product description
We will analyze the information about the product and:
— we will check whether the goods are subject to the state registration;
— we will determine whether additional documents for the goods (declaration, certificate) are required. -
We will draw up the documents necessary to obtain the Test report and Expert opinion
At this stage, our experts will prepare applications, label layouts, instructions and other documents for submission to the testing laboratory and will send them to you for signature and approval.
We will adjust with you drafts of a Test Report and an Expert Opinion. -
Our specialists will submit documents for registration
We prepare a package of documents, including the Reports and the Expert opinion, and submit them for registration to the authorized body. -
We will receive a Certificate of state registration and give it to you